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We are a group of friends, motivated by how much love is needed in this world and decided to  stand together through this nonprofit organization and show our gratitude by spreading HOPE in our communities and nation wide, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in communities.  We strongly believe that we have responsability to give back and support others. 

We can't wait to have a room filled with gold to feel abundant because abundance is an inside job. It is a feeling of gratitude and a willingness to reach out and help anothers. It doesn’t require enormous wealth, what matters is a receptive spirit and a desire to give of our time, goods, or even ideas.


Ron Conway said: "I believe that we all have a responsibility to give back. No one becomes successful without lots of hard work, support from others, and a little luck. Giving back creates a virtuous cycle that makes everyone more successful.” 

Let's become the 


Our Mission...

Motivated by how much love is needed in this world, we work with volunteers and communities to inspire hope in our world. It is our mission to support, nurture, and empower communities and individuals of all ages and secure a better quality of life.

Our Vision...

The World H O P E Spreaders seek to solidify charity development and empathy within communities.

Our history...
Founder Levi Dingamnayal's father came from a poorest family with no chance to succeed in life... He made his way by his determination and kindness of some relatives and neighbors. He struggled to get educated and become teacher in 1975, he dedicated all his life and his small revenue to support other young to find their way out and take care of themselves and their families.
Once retired, he decided to not take a rest, but went back to his hometown (village) "BAKE" in the southern part of Chad (Central Africa) to contribute and help develop his community. He started this mission with a lot of enthusiasm and HOPE, but just a few years later he passed away without achieving his goals.
Meeting with Pastor James Brunson in 2019 in Tucson -  Arizona (USA), an incredible man who took him as a brother, trusted and loved him as such inspired Levi Dingamnayal!
He decided then, with some handful friends to start this non-profit organization to give HOPE and LOVE to people in need accross the World in memory of his beloved father, and for the love and care that people like James Brunson and his family, as well as many others showed him.

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